The resources section includes a collection of terrific websites you can use to learn more about school psychology and related issues. When you click on an area of interest, you will find a summary of the website’s information and a link to the website.

Academic Resources

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Scholastic offers more than just book fairs!  Resources are available for teachers, parents, students, administrators, and librarians (book clubs, magazines, printables, etc.).  In October, Scholastic launched a new social networking site (You Are What You Read), and now the whole world is talking about books! The site asks users to share their “Bookprint” – the five books that influenced their lives. From there, users can connect with readers all over the world who share a similar Bookprint, “Favorite” other titles they like, and see if they share a Bookprint with any of the 130 participating “Names You Know” – notable names from entertainment, sports, media, publishing, academia, and more. Visit the site.

This site allows you to download thousands of books, reading lessons, and supporting reading materials to meet the reading needs of a diverse student population. Research-based reading resources for differentiated instruction are also available. Click Here

Just Read, Families! is a summer reading program which provides parents with information about actively reading with their children during the summer months.  Research shows that children who do not continue reading through the summer can lose a month or more of progress made during the school year. By encouraging their children to read, parents are playing a critical role in achieving the goal of having every child reading at or above grade.
Click here for site.

This particular site covers how to create games for students with reading disabilities. Parents and educators are encouraged to use games to teach reading as a way to break the monotony of reading programs, and to keep students’ interest level at its peak.” Click here.

Homework Assistance

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This site provides homework help, calculators & tools, games, resources for homeschooling parents, products, and free math lessons in over 60 subjects (covers pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry). Connect here.
This website provides more than 40 free practical articles about how to study, improve listening and academic skills, improve note-taking skills, and get yourself organized.  Also included are hundreds of study tips submitted by users. Learn more about these study skills.
This website provides links to math resources and standardized test preparation. Learn more here.

Learning Disabilities

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National Center for Learning Disabilities’ online guide to information about learning disabilities, early literacy and learning resources, support for adolescents and adults with learning disabilities, public policy, and advocacy tools.  Information is provided to help parents make informed decisions affecting their children who have a learning disability, or who may be at risk for learning disabilities.  In addition, educators can gain access to authoritative information about research-based instruction, assessment, and support services. Learn more here.

Website for the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA).  Information is provided to support individuals with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals.  LDA also provides practical solutions and a comprehensive network of resources. Learn more here.

This website includes an overview of learning disabilities, and provides resources and social networking for parents, teachers, and other professionals working with learning disabled students.

Learn more here.

The website for the International Dyslexia Association provides information about resources, publications, conferences, handbooks, etc. that pertain to dyslexia. Click here to learn more …

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia provides a wealth of information pertaining to dyslexia. Links for books, videos, websites, podcasts, and seminars are also available on this website. In addition, step-by-step suggestions are provided for parents and educators who are seeking assistance for children that are struggling with reading. Learn more here…

Academic Enrichment Activities & Games

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This website introduces you to “Whootie Owl” and fairy tales that promote positive ethics.  All stories are free and have been “kid-tested” (warm, funny, exciting, upbeat, and not boring or “preachy”).  The stories show kids that holding positive values is a good thing to do, and that people around the world share many of the same concerns. Connect with Stories To Grow By here.

Parents can use this site to prepare their children for school, and to support them once they are there.  This website is an “educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children”.  Primarily designed for first grade, this website is also useful for Pre-K through second grade. Connect with Starfall here.

This site provides age-appropriate books, games, music & videos, and free PK-12 resources to support learning at home and at school. Connect with PBS Kids.
This site provides printable theme calendars, arts & crafts projects, maps, flags, nursery rhymes, music, dictionaries, activities and much more. Connect with Enchanted Learning  here.

Gifted Learners

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This website provides information and educational opportunities for Gifted and academically talented children through programs designed to meet their unique abilities and needs. Click here

Website for the National Association for Gifted Children. NAGC is an organization of parents, teachers, educators, community leaders, and professionals who unite to address the unique needs of all children who have been identified with “gifts” and “talents”.  Connect with National Association for Gifted Children here.

With more than 57,000 members, American Mensa is the largest national Mensa operating under the auspices of Mensa International, Ltd. Members of American Mensa range in age from 2 to 102, and share the common trait of high intelligence. To qualify for Mensa, you must score in the top 2 percent of the general population on an accepted standardized intelligence test. Connect with Mensa here.
Website for the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP), which provides innovative programs to support the development of children’s optimal education potential. Connect with the Duke University Tip Program here.
The Davidson Institute’s mission is to recognize, nurture, and support profoundly intelligent young people and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents to make a positive difference.  The Davidson Institute serves profoundly gifted young people under the age of 18 who share the following characteristics:  an extreme need for constant mental stimulation, an ability to learn and process complex information rapidly, a need to explore subjects in surprising depth, an insatiable curiosity with endless questions and inquiries, a need for precision in thinking and expression, an ability to focus intently on a subject of interest for long periods of time, and an inability to concentrate on a task that is not intellectually challenging, including repetitious ideas or material presented in small pieces. Connect with Davidson Institute  here.


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Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a national organization that provides education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD. CHADD also publishes a variety of printed materials to keep members and professionals current on research advances, medications, and treatments affecting individuals with ADHD. Connect with CHADD here

This website provides helpful information on understanding ADHD symptoms, treatments, and coping strategies for children and adults. Click here to learn more


At this site you are able to subscribe to “Attention Research Update”, a free online newsletter that will keep you informed about the latest published research on ADHD symptoms and treatments.  Links are also provided for a collection of articles on ADHD (diagnostic criteria, evaluation guidelines, ADHD in girls, behavioral treatment, medication treatment, the impact of ADHD in siblings, long-term outcomes, educational rights for children with ADHD and more). You will also find thorough overviews of the two ADHD treatments that currently have the strongest research support: behavioral treatment and  medication treatment. Connect with the Attention Deficit Disorder Association here.

Specific Disorders

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This began as a site for parents and educators on Tourette Syndrome, and has expanded to include other conditions such as: ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, non-OCD anxiety disorders, Executive Dysfunction, depression, Bipolar Disorder, autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration issues, sleep disorders and more.  You’ll also find articles and files relating to school-related issues (for all conditions) in the Education section of the site. Connect with Tourette Syndrome here.
This website is a guide for parents, professionals and individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome. You’ll find issues related to Asperger’s Syndrome, resources, papers Tony has authored, related topics, and Tony’s presentation schedule. Connect with Tony Attwood here.

Website for the Jacksonville branch of the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD). CARD provides support and   assistance “with the goal of optimizing the potential of individuals with autism spectrum disorders, dual-sensory impairments, and related disabilities”. Services are provided free of charge to individuals with autism and related disabilities, to their families, and to the professionals who work with them.  Connect with Card here.

The website for Autism Speaks provides information on research, prevention, treatments, and cures for autism, and an online family services resource guide.  This database includes over 15,000 entries, and allows families to search by state or zip code to find a wide range of local or regional services. Connect with Autism Speaks.

Psychology and Mental Health

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An independent mental health social network created and run by mental health professionals. This site addresses a variety of topics and offers links to newsletters, research, support groups, etc. Connect with Psych Central here.
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness the nation’s largest organization for people with mental illness and their families. This website provides information and links for public education, activities, peer education and support, raising awareness, state and federal advocacy, and more. connect with NAMI here.
The APA Help Center is an online resource for brochures, tips, and articles on the psychological issues that affect your physical and emotional well-being. Connect with the APA Help Center here.


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This website provides information and tools designed to help parents and caregivers promote children’s growth and development (personal style and approach to child-rearing, temperament, applying knowledge to everyday parenting decisions and more). Connect with Zero to Three here.
This website was created by a group of parents who wanted to “make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of parents and children”.  The focus of this site is primarily on health and education related issues.  Information/advice is provided to help you raise and educate your children, and is organized into two parts: “content” (answers) and “discussion” (forums). Connect with Kid Source  here.
This site includes top stories, current events affecting your health and safety, activities, games, movies, parenting blogs and more. Connect with Family Education here.

Child Development Institute – information includes causes, prevalence, and “early warning signs” of learning disabilities.  Pointers are also provided for parents and teachers of students with learning disabilities.  Rights and responsibilities of parents of children with disabilities are also reviewed. Learn more here.

Grief & Loss

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An internet community of people dealing with grief, death, and major loss.  Links are provided for resources, support groups, and a website for children.  The site’s integrated approach to on-line grief support provides help to people working through loss and a variety of grief issues (including helping children cope with war). Connect with Grief Net here.
Website for Children’s Grief Education Association that provides resources that help you support and care for children who are grieving the loss of a loved one (emphasis on compassion, care, connection, understanding, and patience).  CGEA offers support to children, teens, families and to those who care for them. Connect with Child Grief here.

Behavioral Concerns, Bullying & Interventions

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STRYVE (Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere) is a national initiative led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent youth violence before it starts among young people ages 10 to 24. STRYVE’s vision is safe and healthy youth who can achieve their full potential as connected and contributing members of thriving, violence-free families, schools, and communities. STRYVE’s goals are to:  increase awareness that youth violence can and should be prevented, promote the use of youth violence prevention approaches that are based upon the best available evidence, and provide guidance to communities on how to prevent youth violence. Connect with STRYVE here.
This website offers free tools and resources to help school staff and parents promote positive classroom behaviors, and foster effective learning for all children and youth. The site was created by Jim Wright, a school psychologist and school administrator from Central New York.  Educators can access academic and behavioral intervention strategies, download publications on effective teaching practices, and use tools that streamline classroom assessment and intervention. Connect with Intervention Central here.

Miscellaneous Resources

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Website for the US Department of Education. Connect with the U.S. Department of Education here.

Website for the Museum of Science and History located in Jacksonville, Florida.  Learn about their exhibits, events, school programs, and the planetarium.Connect with Museum of Science and History Jacksonville here.

Website for the Jacksonville Public Library.  The public library has more to offer than just books!  Programs, downloadable media, resources for readers, and special games and links for kids ( and teens ( are just a few of the many things available to residents in the Jacksonville area. Connect with the Jacksonville Public Library here.

Gardiner Scholarship/Family Empowerment Scholarship Program is expanding services.
What can a Gardner/Family Empowerment Scholarship Program do for my child?

On May 11, 2021, Governor DeSantis signed legislation that expands access to education choice scholarships. These changes will go into effect on July 1, 2021. The new legislation allows more families than ever to be eligible for a scholarship

With a Gardiner Scholarship, your child has more learning options. The Gardner/Family Empowerment Scholarship Program is different than other state scholarships in that it allows parents to personalize the education of their children with unique abilities by directing money toward a combination of programs and approved providers. These include schools, therapists, specialists, curriculum, technology – even a college savings account. Learn more about the Gardner/Family Empowerment Scholarship Program HERE.

Following is a list of students eligible as of July 1, 2021 and next steps they may take:
Students of families with higher income (i.e. nearly $100,000 for a family of 4) – Families may APPLY NOW.

Siblings of Gardner/Family Empowerment Scholarship Program students – Families may CLICK HERE to be notified when they may apply.
Dependent children of a member of the United States Armed Forces – Families may CLICK HERE to be notified when they may apply.
Students with one of the following diagnoses: speech impairment; language impairment; orthopedic impairment; other health impairment; emotional or behavioral disability; or specific learning disability, including but not limited to dyslexia, dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia – Families may CLICK HERE to be notified when they may apply.

Note: Students currently enrolled in private school are now eligible, too!

Florida’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) website provides a central, comprehensive location for Florida-specific information and resources that promote school-wide practices to ensure the highest possible student achievement in both academic and behavioral pursuits. The MTSS model is a multi-tiered approach to providing high quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs, using learning rate over time and level of performance to inform instructional decisions. MTSS involves the systematic use of assessment data to most efficiently allocate resources in order to improve learning for all students. Resources are available for assessment, data management, data use and data-based decision making, Exceptional Student Education (ESE), interventions, progress monitoring, research, and tiered systems of service delivery. Connect with Florida’s MTSS here.



Website for the Florida Department of Education.  Information is available regarding school grades, Just Read, Florida!, FSA testing, educator certification, services to individuals with disabilities, public schools/districts, Florida colleges, Sunshine connections, the Florida College System Foundation, services to military families, data and statistics, etc. Connect with Florida Department of Education here.

Website for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program.  Bright Futures rewards students for their academic achievements during high school by providing funding to attend postsecondary education in Florida. Connect with Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program here.

Contact us if we can be of assistance to you.