The components of your child’s psychoeducational evaluation depend on your concerns and the needs of your
child. The following is a brief description of what your child’s psychoeducational evaluation may include:
Intelligence tests
Usually referred to as IQ tests, intelligence tests are norm referenced, standardized, diagnostic tools that
broadly measure traits which predict academic success. The tests most commonly used provide an overall
score or estimate of your child’s ability to learn what is typically taught in school. Intelligence tests can
include a combination of the following: verbal/language based tasks, nonverbal problem solving skills, short
term auditory memory, and processing speed. Subtests involved can be both timed and untimed.
Achievement tests
These tests measure academic skills acquired through schooling (basic skills needed to master reading,
math, writing, and oral language tasks). Subtests can be both timed and untimed.
Cognitive processing tests
These tests measure how your child uses information when learning. Areas may involve: language,
long term memory, short term memory, working memory, visual spatial skills, visual motor integration
skills, auditory processing, and processing speed. Subtests can be both timed and untimed.
Behavior rating scales
These usually refer to checklists or rating scales which can be completed by parents, teachers, and the
student. These tools can show how a student’s behavior is perceived in different settings by different
individuals. The rating scales can also indicate how a child perceives his or her own behavior. However,
there are drawbacks to consider. Results from behavior rating scales are only accurate if the adults (parents,
teachers, therapists, etc.) and the student completing them respond honestly to the questions posed. As rating
scales are “subjective”, various individuals can rate the same student very differently.
Personality tests/social-emotional functioning
These include rating scales, questionnaires, and projective procedures which measure your child’s
personality traits, behavior at home and school, and emotional adjustment. Questionnaires or interviews
involve asking your child about his or her feelings in specific situations, and about fears and concerns, etc.
Projective procedures indirectly evaluate your child’s personality and feelings via pictures, stories, etc. Your
child’s responses can indicate underlying personality traits, fears, life stressors, anxiety, etc. Keep in mind
that interpretation of these measures is very subjective.
Developmental abilities
These instruments measure your child’s development in the areas of adaptive skills,
social emotional functioning, communication, cognitive abilities, and motor skills.

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